A project is a set of plans that allow you to identify and group them logically. You can either choose an existing project or create a new one.

Create a New Project
  1. From the top menu bar, click Create->Create a new plan. On the Configure plan page, complete the build plan details as given below.
  • Project: The name of your build project
  • Plan name: The name of your build plan
  • Plan key: The key for your build plan
  • Plan description: A brief description of the build plan’s function or purpose

Configure Plan

 Clone an Existing Plan

You can clone an existing plan by making a copy of that plan and its entire configuration.

  1. From the top menu bar, click Create -> Clone an existing plan.
  2. Select a plan by using Plan to clone. You will be able to see plans for which you have the ‘Clone’ and/or ‘Admin’ plan permission.
  3. You can create a new project or choose an existing project for the plan.
  4. Enter details for the new plan.
  5. If you choose to enable the plan, the Bamboo will be instructed to start running builds of the plan, based on the plan’s trigger configuration.
  6. Click Create. This will display the ‘Plan Summary’ page for the new plan. This will make Bamboo to run initial build for your new plan automatically.
Adding Job and Task 
  1. Click created Plan link.
  2. Go to Actions- > Configure plan option, as shown below.

Configure plan option

  1. Click ‘Add Job’ link.

Add a new job

  1. Click ‘Create a new job’ option and provide the data in the required fields.

Create a new job

  1. Click created job link.
  2. To add task in the plan, click ‘Add Task’ button.
  3. Now, select any task types. For Example, click ‘Ant’ to execute a build using Apache Ant.

Apache Ant

  1. Enter valid data into the fields.
  2. Click ‘Add new executable’ link and add the path of Ant into ‘Executable’ field.
  3. Enter directory name ‘AutomationProject’ into ‘Working sub directory’ field, where ‘AutomationProject’ is your selenium project directory.
  4. Click ‘Save’ button.
Copy Selenium Project into ‘bamboo-home’ Directory 
  1. ‘Bamboo-home’ directory by default exist at this location : C:\Users\{user name}\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir
  2. Put your selenium project ‘AutomationProject’ into ‘TES1-DEM-TESJOB’
Run Plan 
  1. Go to ‘Build -> All build plans’.
  2. Click created plan link.
  3. Click ‘Run -> Run Plan’ option, as shown below.

Run Plan

  1. If the run is successful, then it shows a message in green color.

Run Successful

  1. If the build is failed, then it shows a message in red color.

Run Fail

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