Pre-requisite: You need to have a Java project file that is exported to your system. However, you need to delete the exported package before importing. Deleting the Java project from Eclipse IDE won’t delete it completely from the computer. In order to import the exported Java project, you have to delete it first from the Eclipse IDE and then from the workspace.

  1. Launch Eclipse IDE and select ‘Import’ from ‘File’ menu.image001
  2. In the displayed ‘Import’ dialog, expand the ‘General’ folder. Select ‘Existing’ Projects into Workspace’ and click ‘Next’.image002
  3. This will display the ‘Import Projects’ dialog box. Choose ‘select archive file’ option and click ‘Browse’.image004
  4. Navigate to the folder of the exported file. Select the file and click ‘Open’.image005
  5. In the ‘Import Projects’ dialog, ensure that browsed path is displayed. Click ‘Finish’.image006
  6. Ensure that the imported project is displayed in the Eclipse IDE.image007