Bamboo continuous integration server caters the need to automate the release management for a software application.


  • Java should be installed on the machine.
  • Path and JAVA_HOME should be properly set into environment variable.

Installing Bamboo

  1. Download the latest Bamboo from URL :
  2. You can either choose the Windows Installer version (.exe) or a ZIP Archive (.zip).
  3. After completing the installation, you can find the installed files in the destination folder: C:\Program Files\Bamboo.
  4. The Bamboo home directory is : C:\Users\<current-user>\Bamboo-home
  5. Start the Bamboo server from the location:<Bamboo installation directory>\bin\start-bamboo.bat
  1. You can go to your web browser and access your running Bamboo instance by typing http://localhost:8085/ in the address bar.

Configure Bamboo

Once you open the URL: http://localhost:8085/ , you will be redirected on the Setup wizard page.

  1. License Details and Setup Method: In order to use Bamboo you must have a valid license key (evaluation or commercial). Bamboo evaluation license key can be generated from your MyAtlassian self-service account.Atlassian Bamboo Continuous Integration Server
  1. Click ‘Atlassian’ link to get the license key, as shown below.Atlassian License Key
  2. After entering License key into ‘License Key’ field, click ‘Custom Installation’ button. It will redirect you to a page, as shown below.
  1. If you want to change the URL or any System paths or directory, change from here and click ‘Continue’ button.

Bamboo Configuration

  1. If you want to configure Bamboo with any external database, then select ‘External’ radio button and database name. Else, select the default ‘Embedded’ radio button and click ‘Continue’ button, as shown below.

Bamboo Custom Installation

  1. You can also choose to import any existing data or create new Bamboo home, as shown below.

Starting data for Bamboo

  1. Click ‘Continue’.
  2. You will be redirected to the ‘Set up administrator user’ page. Enter valid data in each field to create an admin user.

Admin User Setup for Bamboo

  1. After creating an admin user, you can login into the Bamboo application.Bamboo Login

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