Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) During Crunch Testing Time

Testers usually find themselves squeezed in a testing time-crisis. The situation usually occurs when the testing deliverables are received late and there is no adjustment in the delivery time. The real test lies in the testing of the application as soon as possible. Such unwanted scenarios are faced by the testers on a regular basis.

In fact, you will find a number of blogs and as many queries about such experiences over the Internet. It’s been a common trend in the software industry for years. There is a pressure when the timeline is cramped; however, there are few best practices that could ease your way when in a hurry.

The idea is to focus on key factors during crunch time. When in a rush, you can endorse some of the points mentioned below.


When it comes to load testing, nothing can be more essential then concurrency testing. Applications that are being accessed by multiple users simultaneously need to measure the performance attributes to identify the crack.

Response time and throughput are some of the factors that get affected by the number of users accessing the application at the same time. However, if the users are beyond the limit, the users’ interaction with the application is restricted, resulting in a deadlock.

Though, it is the key metrics, but not the only one. More often, it proves to be deceptive while testing in a hurry.

Transaction frequency

When combined with concurrency, it gives a better analysis of the application performance under stress. Transaction frequency like the CPU usage or pages accessed per second is a substantial operational metrics to oversee things. However, in case of attaining a business goal, finding the number of product searches per hour or in a day is more critical.

Transaction rate hold a key importance in monitoring the business economic objectives. By observing concurrency and transaction rate simultaneously, you can monitor the overall load on the site.

User involvement

User experience holds extreme importance when you are left with limited time. Today, users are smart and find Internet the best place to compare and analyze a particular site with other. It’s important to make your site better suited for their needs.

User expectation often lies in two factors: availability and performance. Monitoring the performance includes the site’s loading speed and how smooth and fast are the operations performed. On the other hand, availability focuses on the connection to a specific function as requested by the user.

The things that a user performs on the site add to the major load generated on the server. Concentrating on those factors while performing load testing can lead to a better user experience.