This Blog details the set up of Monkey Talk for Android, to automate the application on Android.

You need to install MonkeyTalk Android Agent into the application which you want to automate. For this, please follow below steps:

1. Open your Android Project in Eclipse.
2. Right click on the project name and select Configure>>Convert to AspectJ Project.
3. Create “libs” folder in your Android Project and put MonkeyTalk-agent.jar in “libs” folder. MonkeyTalk-agent.jar can be found in the “agents” folder in the MonkeyTalk package.
4. Right click on MonkeyTalk-agent.jar > AspectJ Tools > Add to Aspectpath.
5. Open AndroidManifest.xml and include the following two permissions:
o uses-permission android:name=”android.permission.INTERNET”
o uses-permission android:name=”android.permission.GET_TASKS”

6. Now RUN your application right click on the Project and Select Run As>>Android application.
7. You would see Android Emulator will appear and your application gets deployed on the emulator.
8. Launch MonkeyTalkIDE , which lies under “\win32.win32.x86\win32.win32.x86\MonkeyTalkIDE” folder.
9. Goto New>>MonkeyTalkProject, New Project window should appear. Provide project name and click in “Finish” button.
10. Right-click on the project folder and select New > Test. Provide File name and click on “Finish” button.
11. Launch Android emulator and open your MonkeyTalk enabled application on the emulator.
12. Click on the connection dropdown button on the tool bar and select “Android Emulator/Tethered Device”.
13. If connection was successful, a message should appear in the console.
14. Click “Record” on the MonkeyTalk IDE.

Please feel free to post queries or share your views related to above.

Rohit Singh