Now Grant Continuous Security with API 1.3

Today, where the world around you is held together by a network of data and software, the state of web APIs and Internet is really unsafe. Consider your information related to finance, family, and work is floating in the cloud and is connected through a faulty pipe, which is leaking all your data. The situation becomes really uncontrollable, especially when you cannot reach the cloud or you are not a plumber.

In fact, none of the modern web infrastructures that are built today are secured, except for the ones that are purposefully designed. Most cloud infrastructure and modern Internet still use the traditional browser security. Moreover, any step towards upgrading the security paradigm in the form of updates like SSL 3 and OAuth doesn’t guarantee any safer environment. However, there are always some risks associated with such untested updates.

Considering such failures, technologies are not alone enough to protect data. Here, people are more responsible, as it can be controlled by implementing best practices. Teams that have been practicing good security patterns would be able to minimize risks and vulnerabilities. However, a team consists of a variety of professionals like developers, designers, testers, etc., and more often they lack the required security personnel.  In addition to the right kind of people, security testing requires right tool and context, without which it often gets complicated and time-consuming.

There are various platforms that are built to test the security, performance, and functional aspects of your APIs all through the design phase until the final approval. Secure Pro is one of those many API based security testing tools that allow you to quickly assess all potential vulnerabilities during different phases of delivery lifecycle.

Some of the functionalities included in Secure Pro are mentioned below.

  • Security checks against REST and SOAP services. This includes cross-site scripting, SQL and XPath injection, and fuzzing scans
  • REST-specific scans like HTTP method fuzzing
  • Security considerations for API test data management
  • Weak Authentication scans check for unfulfilled guidelines
  • Ensures that the testing credentials are matched by your testing process
  • Checks for the ‘dirty fingerprints’ through Sensitive File Exposure on the servers
  • Allows you to provide your own patterns or scan for open directories

Note: In addition to all the above-mentioned features, the testing process and the reviewing results have been designed to ensure the best quality and safety in the APIs.

In case, the requirements go beyond the scope of security tests, you can use a small Groovy script to build your own tests. This can help you make a comprehensive strategy for testing APIs security, as it includes custom authentication scenarios.

Today, API security testing is affordable and available to everyone. Professionals like developers, testers, or any small and large organization can include security in their delivery process to deliver quick, accurate, and safe APIs.

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