A quick brief to detect Java version after its upgradation

You have a computer with multiple web browsers and you want to check what version of java your browser is using?

Why this question arises because multiple copies of Java can sometimes be installed with different browsers using different copies. Also, Java can be enabled in one browser and disabled in another.

If in your system, you have installed Java 7 update 55 and you want to upgrade the version of Java 7 update 65 then there is a possibility that after upgrading the Java, your browsers sometimes will not detect the correct installed version of Java and you will be liable to face problems to detect the Java version on the browsers.

We generally use URL: https://www.java.com/en/download/installed.jsp to find out the current version of the Java in our browsers. Open the browser and enter the above URL. You screen will be directed as given in the screen shot below.

Java is out of Date

The screen shot shows that your browser is still using the old version of Java. In this case you need to:

  • delete all the running instances of browser using task manager
  • install the new version of Java

After following the above steps, you will be able to see the correct version of Java successfully in your browsers as shown below in the screen shot.

Java version on your computer