Some Fuzzing Tools for Web Application ProjectsThere are various tricks and creative ideas to overcome the challenges and complexities associated with Web application security testing. There are various fuzzing testing tools that cater the need to provide random data inside the application parameters. In case of web testing, such tools must focus on parameter format checks, buffer overflows, managing encoding and errors. Such tests are usually performed using GET and POST methods. However, you can use anything supported by your server.

So, you can make use of the following fuzzing tools to perform web application security testing.


For the apps that communicate via HTTPS and HTTP protocol, this framework helps in analyzing them. In order to make it portable across multiple platforms, it is written using Java. Moreover, it provides numerous plugins that can be used for various operation models. It also helps in displaying incomplete parameter validation by substituting the parameter automatically.

ASP Auditor

This tool helps in getting out data leaks and common misconfigurations in applications based on ASP.NET.


It is a great tool to audit the security of your web applications. Performing black box scans will provide results on places that are weak in accepting data and the source will be someone, who has never seen the source code.


Vulnerabilities of shared web applications can be scanned and tested. It includes WASC threats.

Burp Suite

It is a collection of various web security testing tools.

Codemonicon Defensics

The tool can be used on 270 different network protocols, interfaces, and file formats. In addition, the tool can be used to generate actionable report and remediation paths.

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