Unit testing is a software testing methodology which involves testing of individual units of source code to check whether they are fit to be used or not. In other words, it is the smallest possible component to be tested. Being small, the unit is easy to design, execute, record, and analyze test results. The main aim of unit testing is to separate each part of the program and ensure each part is working correctly. It has proven to be one of the most common techniques to detect maximum bugs.

In addition, it provides several benefits, including tracking bugs, simplified integration, and facilitating change.

Making the Process Agile

Unit testing makes the coding process more agile and its one of its core benefits. Unit testing allows easy changing of the old code when you add any new feature to your application. This ensures the application is not affected.

Code Quality

The quality of the code is improved by unit testing. It identifies the defects before the code is sent for integration. It always makes you write better code before the actual coding

Early Bug Detection

By performing unit testing, codes are tracked earlier. Usually, unit testing is performed by developers who test the code before integration. This allows the developers to resolve the code without impacting the other codes.

Simple Integration and Easy Changes

Unit testing allows changes in the libraries at a later date. With the help of unit test you can reduce bugs in the newly developed feature. Once each unit is tested, units are integrated into an application by testing each part.


It provides documentation of the system. Documentation can help developers to learn functionality provided by a unit and how it can be used.

Debugging Process

It simplifies the debugging process. You need to debug the last changes made in the code if the test fails.


Writing the code first makes you think on design and create better designs. This is something that must be accomplished before the code is written, especially while performing unit testing on android.


It reduces the cost of bug fixes, as the bugs are found easily. Moreover, earlier bug detection is easier to fix.

360logica software testing team has the proficiency and resources to provide comprehensive unit testing services. With focus on verification of every module in isolation for potential bugs, we strive to ensure that each unit satisfies individual as well as overall software requirements. We use a range of licensed and open source unit testing tools, including Nunit, JUnit, PHP Unit, and others. Our extensive experience over the years makes sure we do not err in this extreme programming maxim and authenticate routine functions of every unit effectively and perfectly. Our software product testing experts follow an approach that makes every bit of the application and test codes goal-oriented.