A Beginner’s Approach to Web Load Testing

Web load testing provides an effective solution to ensure that your business critical applications don’t contort under load or cause your clients to doubt about your services due to sluggishness. Today, web load testing holds a substantial place in software testing industry. By performing web load testing on applications before the final release, you can explore and fix issues related to performance and thus minimize the risk of unwanted surprises. It can be employed while launching a new web application, deploying it, or changing any IT infrastructure.

Web load testing is a critical part of your risk management scheme. If implemented properly in real-time, it can prove to be very economical and can reduce deployment stress to a greater extent. However, at times it might appear odd, complex, and tedious to carry out web load testing.

The essence of web load testing lies in the fact that how much load or traffic your website can withstand without crumbling. In addition, it must not be too slow for your customers or clients to look for an alternative. In short, the concept of web load testing is easy to understand. It’s the matter of how well you exert your website under different environments similar to production. This would help you understand how well they thrive under a variety of conditions. Moreover, it can assist you to identify and fix any potential threats before the final release.

There are various kinds of testing that can be performed on a given application. Software testing industry often incorporates load, stress, performance, and endurance testing to test various applications. However, these types of test are often used interchangeably, which is incorrect. While testing web applications, there might be a delicate disparity among different test types; however, things must not be exaggerated even if the terms were mistaken in a different sense.