Enhancing Agility of an Agile Testing Team

Working in a software testing company, by now we all are aware of ‘Agile’. It is not easy to be an Agile tester therefore it is a very challenging job of the Agile Project Manager to maintain the agility of the teams and enhance their skills. But what do you understand by Agility? Wikipedia defines Agility in simple terms, “Agility or nimbleness is the ability to change the body’s position efficiently, and requires the integration of isolated movement skills using a combination of balance, coordination, speed, reflexes, strength, and endurance.”

Indeed Agile Testing is a Tester’s Relief but there is always a scope of improvement; therefore let us focus on how to enhance agility of an Agile Testing team as an Agile Project Manager.

What is your mental-makeup?

It is imperative that you know your mindset in the context that you know Agile good enough including its advantages and how does it benefit the stakeholders. Agile testing is not easy that is why it is segregated, it needs a detailed understanding, absolute execution and contribution from each individual of the team for exclusive results.

What is your team’s mindset?

Agile has a lot to do with the mentality. As soon as an Agile tester has the proper Agile mindset, he/she will contribute the best of their knowledge and hence it will increase the productivity and the agility of the team.

Adequate training to the team

Create an urge for the team where they want to learn more and more, where they have queries in their minds and then plan a session because if they are not clear in their minds, it will be difficult to get any business from them. Show them the key areas that need to paid attention to. This will help them to understand their roles and importance much better which in turn will improve the agility.

Encourage innovative ideas

When the team is on the job, it is them who know the project best and therefore they are well aware of what to get rid off and what new should be added. So, give them a chance to speak their minds and encourage their ideas. This will surely help in improving Agility.

No end to learning

No learning is enough, no knowledge has a stop. One of the main characteristics of an Agile team is that they highly focus on learning. With continuous learning, the team becomes skilled and has a good platform where they can share their knowledge.

Improvise the engineering operations

You can be a tester but not a good and skilled tester if you don’t follow the right engineering operations. If you are performing testing at your best but ignoring the engineering practices, it will not be of any help and definitely this will lead to hitches in agility.

Don’t rush.. A steady win is worthwhile

The Agile team knows it pretty well, Agile is not about miracles overnight. It leads to good results in the long run but at first initiate slow and keep moving at a desirable pace. Go little steps and check loopholes,  say one by one. This is where the phrase ‘slow and steady wins the race’ comes into existence and will lead to an extensive progress.

Keep process and innovation on the balance scale

Too much and too less of both innovation and process is harmful. Strictly abiding with process will definitely be monotonous and on the other hand if you focus too much on creative ideas, you might be distracted from your targets. Therefore you cannot depend completely on any of them. Hence, striking a balance is essential. Balancing will help to enhance the agility without hampering the targets and innovation will boost your moods at work.

Implementation of the above, will surely enhance the agility of an Agile team. There can be many more ideas and suggestions to improve agility but we have listed a few basic ones that will help you bridge the gap of knowing agility better.