To start J2EE application performance QA and tuning:

  • Set a goal: Before you begin tuning your J2EE application’s performance, set a goal. Often this goal addresses the maximum concurrent users the application will support for a given limit on response times. But the goal can also focus on other variables—for example, the response times should not increase more than 10 percent during the peak hour of user load.
  • Identify problem areas: It is important to identify the bottlenecks when you start making changes to improve performance. A little investigation into problems might reveal the specific component that causes poor performance. For example, if the CPU usage on an application server is high, you will want to focus on tuning the application server first.
  • Follow a methodical and focused path: Once the goal is set, try to make changes that are expected to have the biggest impact on performance. Your time is better spent tuning a method that takes 10 seconds but gets called 100 times than tuning a method that takes one minute but gets called only once. In an ideal world, you test one change at a time before using it in a production environment. You make one change and stress-test it. If the change results in positive impact, only then will you make it permanent.

For detail, please email Harry