SoftwareTestingSkills-.jpgYou can find many testers swarming upon mobile applications like a hive of bees. However, every tester has unique qualities and perspective to look into the things.

Software testers are not just mechanical turks; they are critical thinkers with special energy and a keen eye. A great mobile application tester has a plethora of qualities. But, there are a few attributes that distinguish them from others.

Some of the most valuable attributes found in a mobile tester are discussed below.


Curiosity defines the characteristics of a person’s personality. A curious tester often pokes around to find the root of the problem. It is less of a skill and proves to be fun.

In-depth Knowledge

It is an innate quality of a tester to be detail oriented. However, the tester must know the application’s aim and what it is trying to accomplish. In addition, how the bugs can impact the way the application has to be used.

Tech Savvy

There are various roles played by a tester. However, technical skills are not always necessary. A technically sound tester can relate errors, crashes, and architecture to find a solution.


A good tester always logs bugs effectively and constructively. But, it also requires you to communicate with customers as well. In addition, you need to collaborate and communicate with the developers and product teams.

Smart Work

A smart tester doesn’t waste time finding bugs that have been already identified. If the application is already live, you should look at the reviews and also see if the online communities considering the user experience while using the app.

Thinking Out of the Box

Not everyone thinks out of the box. A creative tester always provides valuable scenarios for testing, which help in revealing critical issues.


Testing could prove to be tedious at times. A skilled tester always digs deep and gets engaged in repetitive behavior that results in identifying critical bugs.