Being Context-Driven while Performing Software Testing

What Does “Context-Driven Testing” Mean?

 “Context-driven Testing” focuses on context in order to carry out testing effectively.

 Things that are called “Context-Driven”

  •  A process by which one understands, experience, value, explains, and categorizes testing.
  • Any community that gets influenced by me or influences me.
  • The method you apply in your test projects.

 The seven principles that relate all these things are mentioned below.

  1. Context is something that gives value to any practice.
  2. Context has only good practices and no best practices.
  3. The key to any project’s context lies in its people working together.
  4. The unpredictable nature of the projects over a time.
  5. The product won’t work without solving the problem. The product is a solution.
  6. A good software testing requires intellectual skills, which is quite challenging.
  7. We can do the right things at the right time only through judgment and skill throughout the project.

Implicit Principles of the Context-Driven School of Testing 

  • Context Primacy: Context has life. It includes key information, resources, and other factors that should inform all competent work.
  • Scientific Aspiration: The basis of the work should lie in evidence and vigorous debate. Baseless and exaggerated claims must be avoided.
  • Systems Non-Linearity: It is not practically possible to reduce our systems linearly or statistically.
  • Testing as Investigation: Testing is not quality improvement or just checking the facts. It focuses on discovering the problems through open-ended investigation and learning process.
  • Humanist Sensibility: The technical resources are not interchangeable. It requires uniqueness and reliability, and we must develop such qualities within ourselves.
  • Tester Autonomy: Unlike robots, we value our time and manage it accordingly. We must also develop the courage to take ethical responsibilities.
  • Tester Responsibility: We must develop the value and share the responsibilities at a project, corporate, professional, and societal levels.
  • Methodology Authorship: We will not be competent till we ignore and mimic. To be competent we must design and test our own practices and heuristics.
  • Skill Development: It is required to have methodology skill to fulfill our mission, and development of such skill is an ongoing obligation.

 How Do I Know I am Context-Driven? 

  • I adhere to the Context-Driven principles and categorize good testing based on the principles of the Context-Driven School of software testing.
  • I get influenced by those who follow the principles of the Context-Driven School of software testing and influence them too.
  • While working on a test project, I use the Context-Driven approach through Rapid Software Testing methodology.

 Important Key of Context Based 


  • For any project’s context, people, working together, constitute the key part.
  • Good software testing is a challenging intellectual Process.


  • The value of any practice depends on its context.
  • There are no best practices, there are only good practices.

Possible Motives for Key Players: 

  • Find errors
  • Find maximize bugs
  • Support unit testing effort
  • Block releases that are premature
  • Help managers make decisions
  • Minimize the cost of technical support
  • Conform to regulations
  • Minimize risks related to safety
  • Find scenarios that are safe for the product
  • Verify the product effectiveness
  • Assess quality