How to Overcome Challenges Associated with SaaS Application Testing?With the range of evolutions in today’s technology, there is an increase in the number of companies adopting cloud computing. Over the couple of years, cloud computing has become a buzzword in the IT industry. Today, cloud computing caters to solve business needs through three of its main delivery models, i.e. Software as a Service model (SaaS), Platform as a Service model (PaaS), and Infrastructure as a Service model (IaaS). However, SaaS in particular is used by millions of users across the world irrespective of their location.

The popularity and usage of SaaS based model make it necessary to be tested before its actual use. SaaS based applications can be tested on the basis of security, scalability, performance, logic, and more.

However, there are a number of challenges associated while performing SaaS application testing. Some of them are discussed below.

  • Quick and short validation rounds for frequent updates
  • Can’t authenticate all the interface related components in the backend
  • Tough to inspect and verify overall security, especially access controls due to multiple forms
  • Application doesn’t follow any standards
  • Complexities while confirming data transfer between a company and a SaaS application

There are various tools and programs that cater the need of evaluating the performance of such applications and help in overcoming difficulties. Some of the measures to overcome the challenges associated with SaaS application testing are discussed below.

  • In order to overcome the difficulties associated with frequent updates, you can use automation tools to test SaaS based applications
  • You can segregate the area of concerns by grouping them as parameters that have more chances of affecting the performance and need to be tested
  • Apply strong encryption algorithm to applications for more security
  • Create few standard test cases and validate them based on their priority
  • Check the transfer of data between companies, network, and SaaS application

By performing SaaS testing effectively, you can ensure delivering high standards of the applications. This can be done by implementing the correct strategy, automation, and best practices.

Click here to read more about SaaS testing.

Image credit: infosys